Dear Friends,
Our capital campaign uses the metaphor of “living stones” to help us remember that while our parish may evolve in exciting new ways, it is the lives of all of us which create this wonderful “spiritual house” that is the Church. As her stewards, we are the living stones entrusted with the care of this precious community of believers, where the living stones continue to make present and witness to the risen Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, to enhance and to bring hope in challenging times, and to renew the joy of following Jesus Christ.
This “hidden jewel of Chula Vista” is spiritually and physically vibrant today because of your support and generosity. Our Sunday and Solemn Liturgies, especially Christmas and Easter, are standing room only. Our youth are actively involved in the life of the parish. Our Fall Festival and the Parish Fiesta are well attended. We have completed many projects: landscaping, LED lighting, HVAC, an expanded playground, solar carport. We continue to pay down the debt and have started permanent endowments for the parish.
Over 60 years of restoring all things in Christ takes its toll on our facilities, and vital projects are required to continue our mission:
The Living Stones Campaign calls upon us to raise $1,500,000. We are asking every parish family and people of goodwill to make a sacrificial gift on the basis of “equal sacrifice”, not “equal giving”. Our campaign beckons us to join in building upon the legacy we have inherited from previous generations of worshippers, while creating a sacred space that supports a sustainable future for our parish, nurtures our many ministries, and proclaims a joyous welcome to family and friends.
"Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sarifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 2:5
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Jay